The questions I asked were the following:
What is your favourite film within the drama genre?
Films such as Shawshank Redemption and Third Star were the one's that came up more than once, a particularly good response was 'I could never choose just one. Sad dramas like Third Star and Stuart a Life Backwards are amazing to get those heartstrings pulled and tears flowing. Comedy dramas like Forrest Gump can make you think about the different people you come across in life. Any film that makes me think about things more deeply or with fantastic acting will become one of my favourites.' From other research, we have found that most people enjoy a drama film with characters they can relate to.
Why do you enjoy dramatic films?
Again, the results here show that the audience like to be able to relate to the characters who should be realistic. Many people also enjoy being surprised by the plot, plot twists are enjoyed in a drama film. Another good response was 'Dramatic films can pull on your heartstrings but they also make you think about things and where you life is etc. You can compare the films to things that have happened to you and you enjoy them more. Sometimes its nice to have a good cry or to come away feeling really happy. Actors' performances can make or break a good film and it is good to watch an actor that you admire become another person so different from their other parts.'
What do you expect to see in a dramatic film?
Most of the audience want to see realistic characters who aren't perfect, with flaws and personality. The best response was 'Realistic characters with depth of feelings, age and appearance depends on the story line, the same with personality traits. You have to feel that they are real people facing real problems. I expect to care about what happens and not to just be watching as that makes it boring. Difficult topics also make good drama as it can enlighten people to the difficulties of prejudice.'
Do you expect anything specific from a drama film?
The audience expect to feel emotionally invested in the film, whether that be in a happy or sad way, it does not matter. They expect to get attached to characters regardless of their flaws and follow them on their journey through the story. The best response: 'I would expect to feel strongly about certain characters, to empathise with them and want them to "win" etc. You have to believe in them and want the right outcome for them at the end. For a sad film I expect it to make me cry or a comedy drama to have good comedy moments but not be too over the top funny. I want to come away from the film thinking about it afterwards and caring about what happened.'
From these results we can see that most people whom watch drama films like to be actively involved and invested in a character's development and characterization. The journey of which the character takes is extremely important and has to be realistic, where the audience often sympathizes with a character. These results will enable us to look into and develop our characters in a way that will attract this audience and will compliment what the audience want from a drama film. Studying what the audience want will help the film have success in the industry.
- Posted by Hayley
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