Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Audition Scripts & Times

We organised to have 6 potential young girls come in during a lunch time to audition them for the parts of Amy and Katie, to help us make a decision as to wether they were suitable for the part we needed them to play we filmed the girls reading out various different parts of our script in different tones.

First we had the read out this following part of our script in a happy tone;
'Did you see the look on his face? There's no was he'll be forgetting that in a hurry, we'll never be able to cross that field in peace again!'

Then we made the girls read out this following part of the script in a sad tone;
'You know, I miss it all the time. The carefree laughter, the inside jokes, the wasted days. I haven't heard myself laugh for too long.'

After that we made the girls read this following phrase out in an angry tone;
'You're never in! You don't care about me, you don't ever want me around. What's the point, why should I even try anymore?

Lastly we made the girls read out this section of speech which they would have to read out for the voice over in the opening section of our film;
'You know what? With Katie I’ve never felt more comfortable in my own skin. I could have told her anything and I would have trusted her never to utter a word to anyone else. She was my rock to cling onto in this whirlwind of life. She was the driftwood I could rely on to float when I felt like I was going to sink. No-one ever really asked about Katie. She was the ghost that followed me round. But people should have listened to her sometimes. What she had to say was beyond any child's imagination. She was spectacular. She was my friend.'

We decided to bring in all of our auditionees at 1:30 one lunch time during school so they could read out the above scripts, we filmed to auditions so we could look back on what the girls had done. We organised with the auditioness about what time and date we needed them to be here by putting a note in the registers at our school and previsouly speaking to them about potential lunch times to come in and audition. We did have one person auditioning who didn't go to our school, who we ended up auditioning and filming on the same day just at a different location, at someones house.
Posted by Abbey Newton

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