Monday, 11 February 2013

Research into Audience Figures and Popular Drama Films

Researching into popular films within the Drama genre will enable us, as a group, to see what is most viewed by an audience, what films have made the most money and what elements are included within that popular film.

    Popular Drama Films

From looking at the top US grossing drama films you can see that all of the films involve a tragic element, with death being present within most of these films. So as our film opening is a tragedy drama it would be more likely to be successful within the drama genre. This is proven by these ratings and grossing totals that the audience prefer to have a tragic element within a drama film.

Most of these film openings start with an establishing shot, we have included this within our film opening so the audience are aware of the location of the film and it helps sets the scene and mood of the film. Despite these films being top 10 in the drama genre, we have discovered that the film My Sisters Keeper is very similar to our film as it starts with a narration. It also starts with the character reflecting on memories which is also similar to our film opening as the main characters best friend is reflecting on their friendship.

Posted by Abby P

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