Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The Characters in Our Film Opening

Katie Lawson-Main Character
Katie is a 13 year old, brunette female, she is very independent, quiet and very reserved within herself due to her bad relationship with her parents. This also means she takes a while to trust other people and she really has to get to know someone before she opens up, thus making her relationship with Amy very special.

The use of this character will enable us to attract a female audience over the age of 25. This is because she is a child, as older females are likely to feel more sorry for her as females over the age of 25 are the most likely to have children, therefore being able to sympathise with her. As our film opening will be a Tragedy Drama, Katie's illness and death will help us stick to the guidelines of this, as a Tragedy Drama will generally focus on the downfall of one character, that will eventually result in death.

Amy West-Katie's Best Friend
Amy is has blonde hair and is also 13 years old. Her family have moved from London to Walton. She has quite a strong character but doesn't make friends easily. She has a brother called Tom and has a good relationship with her parents.

We have chosen to give Katie a best friend so she has someone to relate to and just has someone she can talk freely to. It also adds a more dramatic and tragic elements to the film as Katie will be leaving behind a good friend when she passes.Making the audience feel a large amount of sympathy to her as well, as many of the audience would have a best friend.

Tom West-Amy's Brother
Tom is 18 years old, has dark blonde hair and is very caring. He is like a brother to Katie as he knows about her bad relationship with her parents. He is very protective of Amy and Katie.

Using a character such as Tom West will help attract a younger audience. Males who have a sister may be able to relate to this character, therefore attracting a wider audience to come and see the film.

Paul Lawson- Katie's Father
Paul Lawson is 43 years old and has dark hair. He has a high pressured job that takes up a lot of his time meaning he is not really there for his family. He is in a lot of debt, adding to the family problems. He has a kind heart and is much kinder to Katie than her mother.

Lauren Lawson-Katie's Mother
Lauren Lawson is 37 years old and also has dark hair. She has an alcohol problem, this not helping with Paul Lawson's debts and her relationship with Katie and her ability to care for her. Both Paul Lawson and Lauren Lawson know of Katie's illness but they do not know that it is fatal.

Making both Paul and Lauren Lawson have significant problems within their lives will mean the sympathy towards the main character is even greater. Using two adults in the our film will help attract an older audience but not many people will be able to relate to them due to their alcohol and money problems.

Karen West - Amy's Mother
Karen West is 40 years old with light brown hair. She is a kind-hearted woman who loves her children very much and her life revolves around her family. She does not work and so is there for the children when they have problems.

Matthew West - Amy's Father
Matthew West is 44 years old with grey hair. He has moved towns for his job and although he can be grumpy he has good morals and will always put his family first. He can be hot-headed and will clash with Paul's stressed out personality.

The characters of Amy and Katie will be the only two characters present in the opening. This is so the audience understand that they are the main characters and that the story will focus around their lives.

Posted by Abby P

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