Tuesday 5 March 2013

Audition Videos

We held six auditions for two characters, using one generalised script.

The first auditionee read the longer section of the script very well, but we thought there could be more variation in tone.

The second we felt was a little nervous and as a result didn't read to the best of her ability.

Third read very well, but again we thought there could perhaps be a bit more emotion in the delivery.

Our forth candidite was very nervous and did not wish to be filmed. She wasn't comfortable on camera which would cause an issue when it came to filming the opening.

Our fifth we felt her delivery of emotions was very good.

Finally, our sixth applicant who we auditioned in a different location also delivered good emotions and had a very strong voice.

Our fifth and sixth applicants were the two we decided to cast because of their confidence and ability to convey emotions within speech.

Abby and Hayley

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